According to § 5 TMG:
Witt Sensoric GmbH
Ernst-Lau-Straße 12
12489 Berlin, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)30 - 75 44 94-0
Managing Director: Matthias Voigt, Holger Mastenbroek
Commercial Register: No. 93 HRB 48070
District Court of Berlin/Charlottenburg
Value added tax identification number according to
§ 27a German Value-Added Tax Act: DE 159 968 268
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 58656833
Although we have carefully checked the content of external links, we are unable to assume liability for the content of such links. The responsibility for the content of linked pages lies solely with their operators.
The content of this website and the information contained therein have been carefully compiled by Witt-Sensoric. We cannot however accept any responsibility for the correctness, completeness or current applicability of content. Liability claims against Witt-Sensoric, whether relating to damage either material or immaterial in nature, caused by the utilisation or non-utilisation of the information included or the utilisation of erroneous or incomplete information, shall be excluded in all cases unless intent or gross negligence on the part of Witt-Sensoric can be demonstrated. Witt-Sensoric offers no guarantee that the content can be called up at all times. Witt-Sensoric explicitly reserves the right without prior notice to amend or supplement individual items of information, parts of pages or the complete website or to cease publication either temporarily or in its entirety.
The content of this website is protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts thereof or graphics material, shall be subject to the prior approval of Witt Sensoric GmbH.